Adding files and links

Feel like your blog is missing something? Add files or links to websites, feeds, and images.

Adding a file

  1. From the navigation bar, click Blogs and then Manage Entries for the blog you want to work with.
  2. In the sidebar, click File Uploads.
  3. Browse for one or more files to upload. The default file size allowable for uploading is 1 MB per file, up to a total of 4 MB for all files. Your site administrator can adjust both the allowable file size and the allowable file type.
  4. To organize files in a folder, enter a New Directory name and click Create.
  5. To delete a file from the blog, select the checkbox for the file you want to delete and click Delete.

Adding a link

  1. From the navigation bar, click Blogs and then Manage Entries for the blog you want to work with.
  2. In the sidebar, click Links.
  3. Click Add Link and enter a title for the link and the URL.
    • If the link is to a feed, enter the feed URL in the Feed URL field.
    • If you want to use an image instead of link text, specify the image file to use in the Image URL field.
    • To impose a sort order, enter a number in the Sort priority field. Links display in order from the smallest number to the largest one.
  4. Click Save to save the link.
  5. To delete one or more links, select the checkbox next to the links and click Delete.
  6. To edit a link, click Edit next to the link.

Next steps

Now that your own blog is set up, start connecting with other blogs.