Browsing forums

Participate in a forum discussion with members of your community.

Members can post discussion topics and respond to existing topics in community forums. You can view recent forum updates in the Forums area on the community Highlights page. These give you insight on the topics that interest your community and who the most active participants are.

To browse the forums in your community:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Communities and select the community that you want to check on.
  2. In the community Highlights page, in the Forums area, click View All. Alternatively, in the community menu, click Forums.
  3. To open a topic, click the topic title from any of the following tabs. A threaded view of the topic displays, showing the original topic and any responses to it.
    1. To browse by forum, click the Forums tab. When you see a forum that interests you, click the forum title to open it and start browsing its topics.
    2. To browse by topic, click the Topics tab. Topics are listed by date, with the most recently created topics first. However, if the community owner has pinned any forum topics, these topics are displayed first.
    3. To browse open questions that you can respond to, click the Open Questions tab.
    4. To browse questions that are closed, click the Answered Questions tab. A question is closed after the author of the topic or a community owner accepts an answer from the available responses.

What to do next

  • Keep up with the forums. To get notified about updates to a community forum that interests you, open the forum or topic and, in the Following Actions area, click Follow this Topic and Follow this Forum.
  • Answer a question. To respond to a question, open the topic then click Reply. You can respond to the question itself or to other responses in the discussion thread.
  • Start a discussion. Have a question you'd like to ask the community, or a subject you'd like to discuss? Add your own forum topics.