Viewing profiles

View a person's profile to see their recent posts, contact information, background information, and more.

Recent updates

The Recent updates section displays the profile owner's status, messages, comments posted to their profile, and notifications about their actions. Want to see more or less of something? Click Filter By and select the types of posts you want displayed in this section.

Contact information

Want to get in touch with someone? Depending on what the profile owner chooses to share, the Contact Information section may display their office location, contact details, job title, and time zone.


If you're interested in learning more about someone, check out the Background section. This section contains a summary of their skills, interests, and experiences.

Virtual card

A virtual card (vCard) is a file that stores basic contact information, following the Internet Mail Consortium specification. You can add new contacts by using your email system to import vCard files.

To download a person's vCard from their profile page:

  1. Open the person's profile page.
  2. Click the More Actions icon and select Download vCard from the list.
  3. Select the character encoding option that is appropriate for your address book reader. The default option is Internationalized (UTF-8), which is suitable for users of HCL Notes® and Microsoft Outlook. If you use a different email tool, you may need to select a different encoding.


Learn more about a person's position in the organizational hierarchy in the Report-to-Chain section. Choose one of the following options to open additional information about the people in the reporting structure:
Table 1. Reporting structure views
View Description
Full Report-to Chain Opens a page that shows basic information about the people in the organizational hierarchy.
Same Manager Opens a page that shows basic information about the people who also report to the profile owner's manager.