Changing your community's access level

Change your community access level to protect any sensitive information contained in it.

About this task

You can restrict or extend the community's privacy level so that people can or cannot join.


  1. From the navigation bar, click Communities and select the community that you want to manage.
  2. In the community menu, click Community Actions and select Edit Community.
  3. In the Community Profile tab, select the new access level. Note that your configuration may support only some of the following access levels.
    Table 1. Access level options
    Access type Definition
    Public to My Organization Anyone in your organization can participate in the community without requiring approval.
    Moderated The community and its content are visible to people in your organization, but to participate, they must request to join.
    Restricted The community and its content are visible only to members. Non-members must be invited to join.
    Restricted (Let anyone in my organization see this community's logo, name, description, tags, and owners) Certain community details are visible to anyone in your organization. Non-members must be invited to join.
  4. Click Save.