Moderating community content

Review and manage blog, file, and forum content in your community. By monitoring updates regularly, you can control what content is added by members and remove anything inappropriate.


  1. From the navigation bar, click Communities and select the community that you want to moderate.
  2. In the community menu, select Moderation. Alternatively, click Community Actions and select Moderate Community.
  3. To review content that has not yet been published:
    1. Click Content Approval in the navigation pane and select the type of content that you want to work with.
    2. Click the Require Approval tab.
    3. Click a title to review the content, and then do one of the following:
      • Approve: Publish the content.
      • Reject: Content is moved to the Rejected tab where you can later approve it or delete it.
      • Delete: Permanently remove the content.
  4. To review unpublished content that was previously rejected:
    1. Click Content Approval in the navigation pane and select the type of content that you want to work with.
    2. Click the Rejected tab.
    3. Click a title to review the content, and then either Approve to publish or Delete to permanently remove.
  5. To review published content that has been flagged as inappropriate:
    1. Click Flagged Content in the navigation pane and select the type of content that you want to work with.
    2. Click the Flagged For Review tab.
    3. Click a title to review the content and then do one of the following:
      • Dismiss: The content remains available.
      • Quarantine: The content becomes a draft and is not available to readers. Quarantined content can be restored or deleted in the Quarantined tab.
      • Delete: Permanently remove the content.
  6. To review quarantined content:
    1. Click Flagged Content in the navigation pane and select the type of content that you want to work with.
    2. Click the Quarantined tab.
    3. Click a title to review the content and then either Restore or Delete it.