Finding files fast

Quickly find files using search, filtering options, and views in Files.

About this task

Locating your file is as easy as performing a search or filtering search results – for instance, if you want to see a specific person's files, you can run a search and filter by people. If your organization deploys Component Pack for Connections, you can also use the Recent view to get back to files that you recently created, worked with, and viewed, as well as files belonging to people whose names you enter.


  1. From the navigation bar, click Files.
  2. Click Recent in the sidebar. If the sidebar is not already displayed, click the folder icon in the action bar to unhide it.
    Note: If you want more space to display files, you can hide the sidebar again by clicking the folder icon.
  3. To find a particular file, type its name in the box.
  4. To find a file owned by a particular person, type the person's name in the box. When results are displayed under Files belonging to, click the person's name to see a list of their files.