Moving a community to become a subcommunity of another community

Integrate diverse communities by moving a community to become a subcommunity of another community.

You can move a top-level community to become a subcommunity of another parent, or move a subcommunity from one parent to another.

  1. From the navigation bar, click Communities and select the community that you want to move.
  2. Click Community Actions and select Move Community from the list.
  3. In Make this a subcommunity of, type the name of the intended parent community. Select a community from the suggestions that display and click Move.
  4. If required, confirm that you want to add the members or owners, then click Move again. The community is now a subcommunity of the community you specified.


The community is now a subcommunity of the community you specified. Note that a subcommunity cannot be less restrictive than its parent. Therefore, when you move a community, the access level of the community that is being moved may be modified. For more information, see Moving communities.

Change your mind?

If you want to move the subcommunity to a different parent community, simply repeat the previous steps. If you want to make the subcommunity a top-level community again, follow the steps in Moving a subcommunity to become a top-level community.